ON THE BLOG -- The Piot Blog 

It seems like everyone in college has a blog to keep up with friends and family. People try for a couple weeks and then the following tanks, and well basically you have wasted a bunch of your time. Hopefully this doesn’t become one of those failed attempts at being a blog, and that it’s entertaining for you. Plus, if you know me in real life you know, I can be a little crazy and adventurous. 

OKAY, so this is what’s going down. 

As you may or may not have noticed, probably not cause honestly, I’m not sure if I would have noticed, but there are four sections to this blog. They are 

  • "Lifestyle"- which is self-explanatory. It’s going to be me telling you little things I love that I get at target, movies I watched, etc. all the normal blog things 
  • "The Gospel Truth"- this is my little place where I talk about what I believe, scriptures I love, conference talks, etc. this is the tab I am most excited about because it’s hopefully the most interactive portion of the blog.
  • "On the blog"- which is the typical journal entry type blogging. (This entry counts as the first one) They will be organized by chronological order...? I don’t really know yet how that’s going to be structured. 
  • "Worth a thousand words"- so because I am a photographer, not an English major, I don’t love to write. This blog really takes me outside of my realm of comfort and makes me stretch myself. But I know how to express myself through photos. So, this is going to be a dedicated place to see everything that I’m talking about. It may be filled with little vlogs, collages, etc. Hopefully it’s as cool here as it is in my head! 

Now, before each entries title you’ll see the little phrase putting it into a category. (That makes it easy for all you half readers to navigate this!) And honestly it makes it easier for me to remember what the heck I am doing.  

But, enough with formality!!! Let’s sit down get nose to nose and talk to each other. Let me tell you about myself first. 

My name is Malissa Nys (that’s pronounced Nye-z). I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, hence the blog title, and I’m a college student. 

I Grew up in Hillsboro, Oregon. A Smallish town 26 miles west of Portland. I graduated high school in 2017 and I’m studying Religion and Engineering at BYUI. (I will tell you that crazy story later!) I have a wonderful life that I love and am so excited for, and I’m very pleased to be at that school studying what I’m studying. Also, I am happily involved with many activities and with many people. My favorite being my lovely boyfriend Matthew. (Sorry no last name for stalking reasons!) 

How did the blog become to be? You might ask...? 

Surprisingly I’m not the type of person who likes to sit on the computer for hours and write. I’m not the typical mother’s basement blogger, or even the professional "I get paid to do this" blogger either. I’m just an Oregonian scratching something off the bucket list. I had a wonderful boyfriend that inspired me to follow my blogging dreams the other day. (He really is amazing, better than he ever could imagine!) Besides always wanting to, blogging has become a large part of America’s society and the culture. We love ok a lot to other opinions, and while I may be young I have lived quite a full life filled with advice and stories. So, what better way to help people through hard times than to blog about it. It would be amazing if I could help someone else in a similar life situation just because I had the same thing happen to me. 

The Genesis of "Nys to be a Saint" 

This story is simple. It’s my last name and my belief system. I wanted to be puny, cause by nature I’m basically all puns, and this just fit. For days I threw around ideas of names, drafted them out with my "brand" and nothing fit until I was joking around writing things. And just like that it kinda fit. And now you have it, all my secrets are out there. I’m a genius, I’m seriously kidding... I’m not even close to genius status. 


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