THE GOSPEL TRUTH/ ON THE BLOG -- The Partner Edition

Hey Y'all!

With the start of school happening and the beginning of another fall season I thought I would do a little post about balancing school, a social life and church. While I attended a church sponsored school, it definitely was still a struggle to get up and go to church in the snow before 8 am. But, it honestly was still amazing. To start I’ll talk about little tips and tricks I learned regarding school, and then the social life, and then little church hacks! 

Learning,studying,and literal death...

While spending time in the library seems to be what everyone is doing, that’s not a place I studied well. I tried for many weeks looking for places to sit and study. It wasn’t until half way through my first semester that I even realized I could do this! There are little books and crannies that have wonderful couches and table to study at. Many people don’t know about them, so they’re not busy, and their usually hooked up with all the wonderful amenities. I loved spending time studying inside the hinkley building on campus, I also often spent time inside the Austen building studying away.  But, more important than where you study is HOW you study.

Personally I like to study by importance. When I get the syllabus for each of my classes I write down due dates and study each topic by most important to least important. This I found to be really helpful in my higher level science classes and especially in my religion classes. I also take note taking very seriously. I make sure that my notes are ready to be taken by pre-lining my notebooks for the CORNELL note taking method. Personally I think it’s helpful because it’s all organized visually. 

Let me know what you’ve tried and love, and I’ll post a little shout out in the lifestyle section! 

The wallflower to social butterfly!

While you think that roommates might fulfill all your social interactional needs, they more often than not don’t. They’re you’re forced live in friends, but they often are on your nerves after you get out of the roommate honeymoon phase. Three weeks in, you’ve let the homesickness come and go, you’re fully immersed in your classes, and your roommates have started making outside friends. Luckily there is so many ways to make them! 

Starting in your classes! Make friends with the people you’re sitting next to, chances are you’re stuck with them the rest of the semester! Also, they’ll come in handy when you’re studying for that large midterm and extreme final!  

Join a club! There are so many extracurricular activities that are offered at every school! While you may see yourself as too busy, I promise you’ll find time for an hour of something you love! Mine for sure was Volleyball. So, I joined a recreational team and had a blast! It kept me fit and healthy, as well as it made sure I had a physical outlet for stress! Plus, I made some really great friends!  

I also enjoyed going to the many social dances, activities, parties of course, and get togethers. I definitely had my fair share of fun! 

Jesus, take the wheel. 

While going to church is something I enjoy, doing it before 9 am was a change! My 8 am church made those long Saturday nights blend into two very long days. But, luckily I made wonderful friends with my FHE (family home evening) brothers and they kept me up during those long blinking kind of Sundays.  

Also, I brought a notebook to church every week ( I was supposed to be taking notes) but we colored and drew in it. We played games, and even had full convos through notes. We tried really hard to keep our phones away during the first meeting so that we were polite. Also, I always had snacks in my bag. At 8 am it’s almost too early to eat before you leave. But right in the middle of the first meeting you’re basically starving. So a granola bar or two were always in my bag. Plus, I’m naturally the overprepared mom type anyways, so I had pretty much everything. 

But Sunday’s were our apartments favorite. We watched movies in our pajamas, made cinnamon rolls, and so much more. It definitely was the time of the week that we loved the most. Being together and just having fun as an apartment.  It was a great day that we had lots of fun!  

 Let me know what you’re college questions and concerns are! I’ll address them next time!  

I know the church is true! And Christ loves us all. 

As always- Nys to be a saint 😂 


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