As I thought about what to write this weeks blog post on I was thinking about "happy" posts I could do. Something lighthearted and almost pointless, but I kept coming back to last weeks post. All of you loved " How I knew I was marrying the wrong man." But, I realized that I kinda left all of you hanging. I made it seem as though after I realized he wasn't right for me and things ended that everything was okay. And that is a bold faced lie. There was nothing okay about me. I layed in my apartment for two whole weeks just crying about how cheated I felt. Just hours after we broke things off I went for a walk. I walked for what felt like forever in the silent snow in Rexburg, Idaho. And once I felt kinda better, I kept walking I cried and kept crying and just kept crying. I felt so cheated, used, abused, and stupid. I had convinced myself that fighting was normal, a one sided love was normal, and only being wanted because of your "hot butt" was norma...
I know that normally I have some sort of clever little phrase as my title, but honestly nothing felt quite right. So, later the title might be completely different, but for now this is the only title that felt right. This may be blog post that never really gets the amount of clicks or reads that I hope for, and honestly the process of blogging is only slightly about the clicks. But it mostly is here for everyone to realize they aren't alone. If you've been reading the blog since the beginning you've maybe found lots of little Easter eggs about new and upcoming events in my life. But this post will really be more about what has already happened. When I created this blog, it wasn't something to make money. ( heck I'm still not making money off of it -- although if someday I did, that would be very cool.) I actually wasn't sure if this was going to be something that stuck and took off at all. And seeing that I had 500 readers for the first two month ...
I am so grateful for the wonderful people I have in my life that show me what true discipleship is. I am so lucky to have had Zac as my life long friend and to see him go on his full time mission for the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in the area of Layton Utah! See you in two years bud!
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